Nadia Gronwald - Journal  
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Freitag, Juni 14, 2002


The most important relationship we must strive to cultivate and perfect is with the self. Successful relationships always begin and end with the self. How can any of us expect to have a good relationship with anyone, when we have barely succeeded to develop one with the self.

We spend most our lives denying, camouflaging and escaping our true inner feelings, replacing them with worldly illusions. We build our hopes and expectations based on our surrounding environment and totally ignore our inner environment, pretending it does not exist. We keep on chasing rainbows and all we are ever left with is broken dreams and tainted memories.

When are we going to get off the merry-go-round? Let us take time out and go back to the beginning. Aaaahhhh! And then there was light!

The most important task yet to be performed is to invest oneself towards inner development. We must also understand that inner development is a lifelong process and not an intensive course or a one shot deal. First and foremost it demands acknowledgement and acceptance, followed by firm commitment, devotion and most important, choice.

Choice or free will is that blessed gift which distinguishes human beings from all other beings. We do not have the right to excuse our actions, reactions, or lack of either, by laying the blame on someone or circumstances, for the simple reason that we always have a choice and we must learn to use it wisely, and that my friends is our personal responsibility.

The experiences we are confronted with or encounter during the course of our lifetime have already been chosen and agreed to at the soul level. Surface mind would never choose such experiences for the simple reason that it relates them into pain and suffering, but the soul is only concerned with the growth, evolution and perfection. The wonderful gift of free will is what determines the outcome of the experience.
The choices we make when we come face to face with adversity, strife, calamity, condescension, hypocrisy, deception and many other facets of life, are only as solid as our relationship with the self. Most of us need to be reeducated in order to reclaim that power which we have so liberally divested ourselves of.

Individually we must strive towards the reinforcement of that inner connection so that collectively we could complete the whole. Does that chord strike a familiar note on the strings on your heart? If so, then you know that there’s much work to be done. Procrastination is also a choice, and if practiced for any length of time we then must double-up on the end-task, this is denying oneself the pleasure of having a light spirit neither unencumbered nor laden with useless baggage.

We must continuously strive to attain the ultimate goal, which is the sole reason for our existence, the oneness with the self or with the whole.

May we all be blessed with the gifts of patience, perseverance, endurance, steadfastness, tenacity and most of all unconditional love?

Release your self to the whole!
Just do it!

Carpe Diem!

posted by nadia 10:56 AM
