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Donnerstag, September 19, 2002


Your magical style is Angelic.

What type of Magic do you work?. Take the Magical Style Quiz by Paradox

posted by nadia 1:30 PM
Merkwürdige Dinge passieren mit Blogger...
Nun, gut, nehmen wir den Weg der wunderbaren Zufälle und folgen ihrer Führung - auch im Blog!

posted by nadia 1:10 PM

Mittwoch, September 18, 2002

Oddly Enough - Reuters

Transit Cops Turn to Music to Fight Crime
Mon Sep 16,10:26 AM ET

BOSTON (Reuters) - Boston transit police have enlisted the late American composers George Gershwin and John Philip Sousa in their fight against crime.

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Police are piping in a mix of show tunes and marches at a city subway station in order to drive away the large numbers of aggressive teens who used to loiter there after school, the Boston Globe newspaper reported on Sunday.

"We tried arresting the kids last year. That didn't work at all. We just wanted to try something different," William Fleming, acting chief of the MBTA Police, told the paper.

MBTA officials said the sounds of brass and strings blaring over the newly installed speakers are already having their desired effect, reducing crowds at the Forest Hills station, where there had been two to three fights daily.

Although several youths have complained about the music, fewer of them are loitering -- to the delight of officials and those who work in the station.

"Music soothes the savage beast," a clerk who works in the station was quoted as saying. "They're leaving, and I ain't seen no fights."

posted by nadia 9:48 AM
